• Space

  • Windows / doors / stairs / railings

  • Materials / Light / Furniture / Fixed equipment / appliance

1 Survival

  • Minimum Space
  • Small Windows / Small doos / ladder stairs / simple rope railings
  • Ultimate raw materials / minimum emergency light / simple fixed equipment / survival appliance


  • Normal Space
  • Medium Windows / normal doors / normal stairs / normal railings
  • Normal Materials / simple LED Light / simple modern Furniture / normal Fixed equipment / average appliance


  • Large Space
  • divided Windows / sliding wooden doors / metal stairs  / steal net railings
  • Raw  wood, plywood materials black metal  / Industrial LED Light / steinlůess steel wood and metal Furniture / Industrial grade Fixed equipment / Industrial grade appliance


  • Average Space
  • Wooden average Windows / raw wood doors / wooden stairs / wooden railings
  • Clay, Paper, Straw, Stone, Stainless Steel, Wool Linen Materials / LED Light + skylights / Rattan LEATHER Furniture / wood stone Fixed equipment / appliance

5 Hi-tec

  • Compact Space
  • Automatic sliding Windows / automatic sliding doors/metal with LED Lights stairs / Stainless net with LED Light railings
  • Special metals,Nanomaterials, glass, big glossy slabs, Materials / programable LED Light / Futuristic Furniture / Futuristic Fixed equipment / Smart appliance


  • Monumental Space
  • Big Windows / high doors / steel glass stairs / chrome glass railings
  • Silver, Gold, Onyx, Marble, Big Slabs Materials / LED Light + Chandeliers / Modern luxury Furniture / Top of the line Fixed equipment / Top of the line appliance